FARO laser scanner
Our Laser 3D scanning service, allow us to generate a 3D model of your actual facilities with great precision and generating a points cloud , which are different point of views to virtually review the surroundings in your facility.
Precise 3D models allow us mountig simuation for new engineering
It facilitates taken real measurements using the model
Real representation of the area integrating photogrammetry.
What do we achieve at scanning your facilities…
Generate a realistic 3D model of your facilities, the scan is a photogrammetry, which means is a combination of true photos of the area combine with laser scanning of measurements from point of measurements to the surroundings, this allows to generate an interconnected points cloud from which you can observe and analisis the surrounding on the facilities as they are.

¿What can we do with the generated 3D Model?
The 3D Model, besides allowing to review the facilities from every point in the cloud, allow us to take precise measurements of the area in the model.
Furthermore, the model can serve as base to insert 3D CAD model, of new engineering, to verify the correct instalation in the planned area, allowing to verify if there is enough space for the installation, verify there are no interferences in the area that may require relocate or modified the design and/or facilitate the design for supply services to be use.
Interior and exterior Scans
We are capable of scanning a conbination of interior and exterior scans to generate a full model of your facilities. The points clouds are interconnected allowing complete views of the facilities simplifying any modification needed to plan.

Request a Budget for your scan filling the form below after watching the video

Do you like to receipt an estimate budget to scan your facilities?
With just a few data we can email you an estimated budget to scan, modeling and process a point cloud for your facilities, simply fill out the form below and we immediately send it to your email address, the minimum area to scan for a service is 17222 sq. feet, if your facility area is less than this, use this value to quote the service: